Wherever you are, we'll make sure your order reaches you efficiently.

Shipping Costs


Delivery Method


Estimated Shipment Time*

NA Countries



7-15 business days

EU Countries



7-15 business days

OC Countries Standard $5.95 7-15 business days


Orders Over $50 Free 7-15 business days

 *Please note estimated shipment time excludes processing and carrier transit time. Please allow up to 1-2 business days for your order to ship. We strive to process and prepare your order for shipment as quickly as possible!

Order Tracking

We partner with trusted international shipping carrier to tailor your needs, and shipment is generated by third party YunExpress, your tracking information can be found on

Import duties and taxes

We have confirmed with our shipping carrier that there will be no additional charges on you in terms of customs duties/taxes and extra shipping fees for delivering the package in our shipping countries

Other Countries

If you're located outside of countries mentioned above, please send us an email to to check the delivery availability and shipping cost of your area, or if any other questions. We are available 24/7 for you:)